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Christalis Orphanage



The Christalis orphanage provides shelter, food, clothing, education, health care, and a family atmosphere to children who have lost their family due to war and other conflicts. The basic needs of every child entering the Home are met, as well as a loving, nurturing, and secure environment. SladeChild support provides two meals a day to these and also to many other impoverished children in the local community, who have inconsistent access to food. The children are taught life skills, given formal education, vocational training, and a social network. Children who finish high school can enter schools for nursing and auto mechanics, as a direct result of the new life they are given through the Christalis Home.

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All Rights Reserved  2024  SladeChild Foundation Charitable Trust  IRS 501(c)(3)   EIN 93-0822726   CFC Campaign #10157 

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