How Can You Help ? There are lots of ways!
Tell your friends about SladeChild Foundation's 100% policy. It is an efficient way to help children in need. Every penny of donations large and small are used to help children eat, learn and grow.
Promote and attend our Music Fundraisers. Follow us on FaceBook! Give what you can.
Donate items or gift certificates for a Silent Auction. Sponsorship for a fundraising event is 100% tax deductible.
If you're having a birthday, anniversary, or other celebration of life, ask your guests to donate to SladeChild to help needy children, instead of bringing a gift.
Plan a fundraiser to help the children of a specific region of the world. We can help!
Volunteer to help at the next music fundraising event. Leave a message at the SladeChild Office. Help with Publicity, Sponsorships and Events is a good way to give back.