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Homeless boys of any race, creed or color are accepted off the streets at the St. John Bosco Orphanage for Boys. Providing shelter, food, clothing, education, religious values and an abundance of love helps them become productive and respected citizens of Guyana. They come with many emotional issues, due to abandonment, malnutrition, physical abuse and drug use by their parents. With SladeChild's assistance, the boys receive meals, clothing and shoes, school books and supplies, transportation, and dental care. Boys age 11 and older are taught a trade. Every effort is made to keep the boys well fed and clothed, as well as provide love, because a child deprived of love is an adult scarred for life. The Sisters of Mercy have overseen St. John Bosco Orphanage since 1902.

St. John Bosco Orphanage

Guyana, South America

Joshua, Omari, Samuel.jpg
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